I get the error at the SQLAdptr1.Fill(DS): Procedure 'sp_displaylabels' expects parameter '@.mod_id', which was not supplied.
But i am passing the @.mod_id value in the string Valmodid.
You're adding your parameter before you instantiate you SqlCommand. Try moving the parameter.Add below the instantiation.
Private Sub BindData()
Dim DS As New DataSet
Dim SQLCmd1 As New SqlCommand
Dim moduleId As New SqlParameter
Dim Valmodid As StringValmodid = Request.QueryString("modid")
moduleId = SQLCmd1.Parameters.Add("@.mod_id", Valmodid)
SQLCmd1 = New SqlCommand("sp_displaylabels", MyConnection)
Dim SQLAdptr1 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(SQLCmd1)
MyDataGrid.DataSource = DS
End Sub'''My Stored Procedure code:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_displaylabels]
@.mod_id nvarchar(10)
FROM tbl_labels
where module_id=@.mod_id ORDER BY id ASC
If that doesn't work:
You might have to set the CommandType to SQLCmd1 after you instantiate it. SQLCmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
Sorry, haven't tested this yet.
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