Saturday, February 25, 2012

Please help.

I am newbie in ASP.NET and MSDE arena. I understand that MSDE has no GUI and I need to have MSDE tools to work with it. I have already installed ASP.NET 1.1 and Microsoft.NET SDK 1.1 and MSDE in my Windown Professional 2000 PC and I have run and tested for .aspx and its working perfectly. But I want to use MSDE to create some database driven web applications.

Could you please help me how I can do that? BTW, I installed Microsoft SQL Web Data Administrator and its giving me SQLWebAdminStart.exe Application error and asking for debugging while opening the program. I am stranded what to do now?

I really appreciate your help.

Peter-TorontoTry launching your DOS environment and writ 'osql help' at the prompt. That should get u started.

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