Monday, February 20, 2012

Please help!! Urgent

Hi guys,

we have a database here and something happened which causes a database block. We tried to run the 'sp_who' 'active' command to see the spid which locked the database, and we found out that some transaction is blocking another transaction. The following is the sample data results from the sp_who 'active'

spid ecid status loginame hostname blk dbname cmd

52 0 sleeping HOSTING\SQLMonitor BLUE2 185 tempdb INSERT
53 0 sleeping sa 185 mfgq_live SELECT
56 0 sleeping sa 175 mfgq_live UPDATE
57 0 sleeping sa 185 mfgq_live SELECT

We killed all spid which casuse the blocking, but they are keep on coming.

Does anybody have any idea on what casuses this problem or a teporary solution for this? Please help.


you need to findout what these process is actually doing.. run

dbcc inputbuffer(185) to see the sql statement which these spid is executing.


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