Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Poor Linked Sybase Server performance

I have a problem with performance when I execute proc against linked Sybase
Here is a strings I used to add a server:
sp_addlinkedserver N'hetco_sybase', ' ', N'MSDASQL', N'hetco_sybase'
sp_addlinkedsrvlogin N'hetco_sybase', false, null, N'sa', 'sa_password'
Execute of proc is taking a second when it run directly on Sybase, is taking
about 20 sec.
I've never noticed any network problems in our environment before.
Any ideas?
Does anybody know a better alternative to connect to Sybase?Try the instructions on the sybase website for creating a linked server.
"Gene." <> wrote in message
> Hi
> I have a problem with performance when I execute proc against linked
> Server.
> Here is a strings I used to add a server:
> sp_addlinkedserver N'hetco_sybase', ' ', N'MSDASQL', N'hetco_sybase'
> sp_addlinkedsrvlogin N'hetco_sybase', false, null, N'sa', 'sa_password'
> Execute of proc is taking a second when it run directly on Sybase, is
> about 20 sec.
> I've never noticed any network problems in our environment before.
> Any ideas?
> Does anybody know a better alternative to connect to Sybase?

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